Monday, December 7, 2009

Four Teams Advancing to State Tournament

Seventeen teams competed in the Northern Regional Minnesota FIRST Lego League Tournament on Saturday in Northome. Advancing to the state tournament on January 30th are:
Division II (for grades 7-9, some teams have younger members)
Women of Wonder (all girls team sponsored by Eagleview and based at Northome School, also Innovative Design and Design award winner)
Flash Drive (Community Ed. team based at RJE Middle School in Grand Rapids, also Programming award winner)

Division I (for grades 4-6)
Cohasset Cougars (Cohasset Elementary's team, also Teamwork award winner)
Clearbook/Gonvick Cruisers (Clearbrook/Gonvick after-school program team)

More info on all the teams that participated, and pictures, to follow.